Increasing Impact through Comprehensive Substance Misuse Primary Prevention

Substance misuse is well-documented, but complex concerns for young people share similar risk and protective factors to other outcomes related to a young person’s health and wellness, including critical youth issues such as mental health. Organizations or coalitions approaching the primary prevention of substance misuse in their communities must consider a number of interdependent factors but always focus their attention on individuals identified as not needing substance abuse treatment. This module will focus on how four vital elements of a comprehensive substance misuse primary prevention program can increase impact in a cooperative, equitable manner.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the four elements underlying a comprehensive prevention approach.
  2. Describe why a planning process is necessary when implementing a comprehensive prevention plan.
  3. Describe how collaboration occurs at varying levels of commitment within prevention planning.
  4. Identify how including different factors from the IOM and the SEM models can be mutually reinforcing.
  5. Discuss how data should be approached to create an equitable, comprehensive prevention plan.

Length of Learning Opportunity

1 hour

Primary Competency

Public Health Sciences Skills

Development Partner(s)

This online module was developed with support from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Prevention Services Division


This module will be most useful if you complete Shared Risk & Protective Factors And Substance Misuse 101 first.


Enroll now: Increasing Impact