Colorado Public Health 101

Developing and maintaining an engaged and knowledgeable workforce is one of public health's essential services. Historically, introductory public health orientation and trainings for new public health professionals have been developed and utilized in a face-to-face, classroom setting and have more recently become asynchronous, click-through, online modules. Today, distance-based learning and online "just in time" educational opportunities fit the learning needs and styles of many professionals.

Colorado Public Health 101 will assist you in developing and maintaining your knowledge of public health in Colorado. Practicing public health professionals coordinated by the Public Health Nurse Association of Colorado (PHNAC) have worked collaboratively with the Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center (RMPHTC) and other public health professionals from both State and Local Public Health Departments to design this online toolkit. In 2024, the course was updated in partnership with the Office of Public Health Practice, Planning & Local Partnerships. The content in this course has been curated and developed to provide a foundation in public health and act as a focused and long-term guide to public health in Colorado.

Most topics are introduced in a micro-learning format, consisting of short animated videos. More in-depth information can be accessed through resource guides that include videos, articles, and additional learning resources.

This web-based, interactive training can be used to provide an initial framework for orientation to general public health practice or a more program-specific role. It is accessible, free of charge, and can be a selected part of new staff orientation or as an adjunct to staff professional development.

Topics covered include:

  • What is Public Health?
  • Public Health Transformation
  • History and Background
  • Public Health Services
  • Colorado's Public Health System
  • Public Health Workforce

Ideal for

New Professionals entering Colorado's public health workforce.

Successful Completion

To receive a certificate of completion for this course, you must complete all course content, pass the final quiz with an 80% or more, and provide feedback via the feedback form in Brightspace.

Learning Objectives

After interacting with the content, participants will be able to:

History and Background

  • Summarize the history of public health in Colorado and include specifics about disease occurrence, establishment of associations, and influential persons.
  • Describe the demographics of Colorado.
  • Explain how public health services are provided in Colorado.
  • Identify the ways in which public health is funded in Colorado.

Public Health Services

  • Describe Colorado’s core public health services.
  • Summarize the roles and responsibilities of LPHAs in Colorado.
  • Recognize the 10 Essential Public Health Services as defined by CDC.
  • Describe the top twelve direct services provided by LPHAs as Primary Providers.

Colorado’s Public Health System

  • Summarize the history of the Colorado State Board of Health and identify major roles and responsibilities.
  • Discuss the historical development of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment with its unique structure.
  • Distinguish the two different structures for the local boards of health.
  • Discuss the roles and responsibilities that local public health agencies play in the Colorado public health system.
  • Identify 2 major events that have led to today’s public health laws.
  • Describe how public health professional organizations and partners support and enhance Colorado’s public health system.

Public Health Workforce

  • Identify various roles within the field of public health.

Primary Competency(cies)

Public Health Sciences Skills

Development Partner(s)

Practicing public health professionals coordinated by the Public Health Nurse Association of Colorado (PHNAC) have worked collaboratively with RMPHTC and other public health professionals from both State and Local Public Health Departments to design this online toolkit. In 2024, the course was updated in partnership with the Office of Public Health Practice, Planning & Local Partnerships.

Enroll now: Colorado Public Health 101